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出处: 本站原创     作者:xiaonancy     发表时间: 2012-03-31

  In recent years, I have developed a deep interest in all aspects of politics. The importance of political decisions has inspired me to learn as much about the subject as possible, thus leading to my motivation to pursue a degree in the subject.

  Politics and government play a central role in our everyday lives by affecting almost everything we do. How we influence one another, exert power and make collective decisions draws me to the field.

  Politicians articulate our understanding of public controversies, social change, world affairs, and the manner in which organisations function.

  I believe these skills and knowledge that I could gain from studying Politics would prove beneficial in my personal and professional life.

  To feed my passion for the subject, I read as much about the subject. I am a subscriber to UKPol magazine.

  As I hope to specialise in political theory, I aim to continue informing myself on the latest ideas and concepts in order to form a knowledge base for forming my own theories.

  I have tried to gain practical experience in the political world through active debate and work. I recently participated in a school debating competition, which involved debating moral and political issues as a team against sides from other schools.

  I greatly enjoyed the opportunity to get involved in serious debate with other students, and although my team finished as runner-up, I learned valuable communication and organisational skills.

  I was able to apply these skills during a one-week work placement with a public relations company in London, where I contributed to communication research. The company allowed me to observe key personnel at work, and I learned that public relations represent a key component of political operations.

  Outside of work and study, I am a keen sportsman. I play Gaelic football and soccer competitively, and having served as captain of the local Gaelic football team and goalkeeper at college. This has helped me develop valuable leadership skills and a sense of discipline that I can apply to my studies and to the university community as a whole.

  I am greatly looking forward to the prospect of studying Politics at university. Decisions made by politicians have a wide range of effects on society, and I am enthusiastic about learning as much as I can on the subject. With this degree, I wish to contribute to the world around me by learning more about how it operates, and I feel that completing a degree in Politics will set me on the right path.


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