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出处: 本站原创     作者:xiaonancy     发表时间: 2012-03-31

  One never knows which events and choices will eventually serve to change the course of his or her life. Sometimes, seemingly random occurrences can steer one toward a life path that is perfect for that individual, and yet would have been completely missed if it were not for the influence of circumstance.

  For me, it was an injury I sustained while playing tennis on my high school team. My anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) was damaged during the early stages of a tournament, and I was forced to sit out the rest of the matches. I was very disappointed until, two days later, I was taken to a physiotherapist for treatment. I was so fascinated by the methods the doctor used to treat my injured ACL.

  My physiotherapist was intelligent and compassionate, and helped me understand everything she was doing. She said that, in the past, surgery was the only way to repair injuries such as mine. Now, however, sophisticated therapies have been developed.

  In the same way, pain management techniques have become more sophisticated in recent years; and yet, many of the treatments are incredibly simple. Some tissue can even be massaged back to health and/or a pain free state.

  From a young age, I have been interested in science. The human body is especially fascinating because no manufactured product can ever come close to simulating the resiliency and functionality of the muscles, joints and bones that are the body’s foundation.

  Likewise, the brain is also unfathomable. I am especially intrigued by the process by which electrical impulses are generated and how they cause certain reactions in the body. For this reason, I have always been intrigued with mind-over-matter practices, such as meditation, biofeedback and hypnotism.

  I want to study physiotherapy because it is a discipline that is on the verge of virtually transforming itself. New techniques and procedures are being discovered and practised every day. This means that I could be in on the ground floor of something revolutionary, which would be beneficial to me in terms of career options, and would also be a great benefit to the patients I would be helping.

  Of all medical specialties, physiotherapy is among the most exciting. Unlike some physicians, who are merely helping patients avoid illness, the physiotherapist is actually part healer. I would be ideal for this field because I am an extremely compassionate person. I have three younger sisters and have developed an ability to nurture that would be ideal for physiotherapy. When helping someone recover from an injury, I would be able to focus on the patient’s health and well-being, but also in helping him or her to remain emotionally positive and become stronger and more functional than ever.

  Another reason for my interest is that this discipline involves a large mental health component. As a physiotherapist, I would encourage my patients to be proactive, and to take a positive approach to their recovery and future fitness. For me, this would be an upbeat and enjoyable way to spend my workday.

  I am aware that this specialty requires very hard work, and I am prepared to do it. I will have much to learn about the human body and about all of the latest treatments and techniques. On the other hand, I will be in a field that is growing and I will be able to quench my curiosity by constantly learning about the new discoveries being made.

  All in all, it is a good thing I injured my ACL. This experience has ultimately lead me to a fascinating career.


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