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出处: 本站原创     作者:xiaonancy     发表时间: 2012-03-31

  The day I picked up my Fisonair inhaler from the pharmacy proved to be a significant turning point in my life. I was seven years old and had spent my life plagued with chronic bronchitis and asthma.

  As a result, I was frequently absent from school and was severely limited in my extracurricular and social activities. Some nights it was impossible to sleep. Then my doctor prescribed Fisonair, and I noticed the changes immediately. My asthma attacks occurred much less frequently and their severity decreased radically. It proved a magical moment in the mind of a child, and I believe the experience laid the foundation for my still fervent interest in pharmacology.

  After my asthma improved, I began to excel at school, and especially notable were my accomplishments in science. I won prizes at several science fairs, and continued to research disease and medication on my own. At high school, I assembled a group of other students and entered the regional Power Science competition.

  Building upon my earlier interests, we built a working model of a lung; we simulated the effects of asthma with and without medication. I accompanied the project with a paper on the mechanisms of asthma medication that detailed the shrinkage of the tissue necessary for proper breathing in asthma patients. We won a respectable third prize.

  As my school career was coming to a close, I have had to make decisions about how to use my aptitude for science and chemistry. I considered being a physician or a research scientist, but my mind keeps going back to that day in the pharmacy.

  There is something extraordinary about participating in the healing process, and I believe that pursuing pharmacy studies is the way for me to join that process. I would like to focus my dissertation on diabetic treatments.

  In order to gain first-hand experience in medical environments, I volunteered to work in a pharmacy within a primary care home in London for almost two months. This gave me the chance to practise the balance of scientific skills and personal qualities that make the healing process possible. I believe that the true meaning of medicine is a combination of treatment, trust, and a caring approach: a patient’s overall condition will improve with the help of a few reassuring words and a smile.

  I have participated in other types of activities that will contribute to my success. I have a strong sense of accuracy and attention to detail, which were rewarded in a Young Business Enterprise scheme. My group constructed a college video and we sold it to other students. Furthermore, I have recently completed my Duke of Edinburgh Gold expedition in Monmouthshire in Wales. This expedition has improved my endurance and ability to operate as part of a team.

  Medication can be a miracle for many patients, and the pharmacist is key in ensuring proper usage and efficiency of these medicines. The manner in which patients administer their treatment is as important as the treatment itself. For this reason, a career as a pharmacist would be fulfilling and rewarding, and perhaps I can touch a young person’s life just as mine was affected as a girl.


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