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出处: 本站原创     作者:xiaonancy     发表时间: 2012-03-31

  Throughout my life, helping others has always been an important part of my life. I hope to help extend lives and improve the comfort of those patients requiring extra care. Not only am I impressed by the potential and importance of the nursing profession, I believe I will make an excellent student and caregiver.

  My dedication to providing high-quality care and my commitment to nursing was firmly cemented when my daughter, Claire, was diagnosed with appendicitis. Claire was twelve years old when an unfortunate series of events landed her in hospital. Claire had already broken her ankle and was stumbling around on crutches when she developed a severe stomach pain.

  Initially, no one could determine the cause; the doctors thought she had a gastrointestinal problem. However, a nurse entered the exam room with her chart, asked her a sequence of succinct questions which enabled the doctor to diagnose appendicitis. The doctor removed her appendix before it ruptured.

  The next week and a half were difficult for me as I grew increasingly uncomfortable seeing my daughter in pain. Once again the nurses in the role of caregiver and practitioner knew immediately when Claire was experiencing discomfort and how to ease her aches. This combination of competence and compassion that Claire received at age twelve draws me to the nursing profession.

  I understand the challenges associated with nursing and in particular have enjoyed my experience at Evesham Community Hospital in July 2006; during this time, my experience shadowing a nurse on a male ward helped me understand the facets of the job. I recall a night when a patient had an especially high fever, and I feared for his health. I thought quickly and called the doctor’s answering service; fortunately, I was correct. The doctor told me to bathe him in cool water and give him a fever reducer. He had improved greatly by the morning.

  Clearly being a nurse demands much responsibility and consideration for others, as well as performance in a high-pressure environment. I take my responsibility to the patient very seriously, and as a result, I am hard-working and responsive to patient needs. My dedication to providing high-quality care and my commitment to lifelong learning will help me to become an excellent nurse.

  As a mature student, going back to college to study A level science was not an easy decision. After all, I had a comfortable career as a Tourist Information Officer, a happy marriage and a beautiful daughter.

  Being the only mature student on the A level course has given me insight into what I can really achieve in life.

  Through my biology A level, I have learnt the intricacy of the human body and this intrigues me most. I have the advantage of possessing an analytical mind, which would prove beneficial in the nursing profession.

  Thinking of the doctor who diagnosed Claire’s appendicitis and the care received from nurses has inspired me to study nursing so I might also know the exact questions to ask to discover accurate answers.

  My time in Evesham Community Hospital taught me the medical side of treating patients represents only one aspect of the field. As a nurturing individual, I know I would embrace the role of caregiver.

  With the skills I have developed to this point, I am confident that I possess a solid foundation of knowledge to enter and succeed in a university.


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