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出处: 本站原创     作者:xiaonancy     发表时间: 2012-03-31

  Little did I know when I began my marketing career that my interest in service quality marketing would evolve into an enthusiasm for relationship marketing. Satisfying customer needs is always the necessary objective in any sort of business and marketing.

  At university, I was always an enthusiastic student, and my two favourite subjects were market research and market communications. While this might sound like an unusual combination, it is precisely this diversity that has drawn me to study marketing further. Studying for an MA in Marketing will provide me with the knowledge base necessary to pursue the career I choose.

  While at university, I gained valuable experiences both practically and theoretically that contribute to my candidacy for this course. Academically, I achieved extremely high marks, earning a first-class degree. In addition, I was the first student in history to win the Marketing Student Award. Outside the classroom, I served as a marketer for the Student Union, which included promoting a variety of events and activities. This involved conveying key messages to students through advertisements around campus and creating leaflets to raise awareness of events. I realised that in marketing, a successful career depends less on a specific product than on the marketer’s ability to promote the organisation and its products and services.

  I had the opportunity to practice further my marketing skills during a summer work placement at Millward Brown, which opened my eyes to the diversity in the field and to the choices available to me. I set up a web-based research application that helps automate and manage the entire market research process by dealing with surveys online. The resulting data enabled the company to provide vastly improved services to its clients, ultimately increasing productivity and customer satisfaction by thirty-two percent. Because of technology and an increase in global communication, it is important to learn new business concepts and theories, regardless of the field I decide to enter. I could easily use this knowledge to become successful in management, investment, or advertising.

  From this experience, I decided to focus my studies on relationship marketing. Earning an MA in Marketing will enhance my ability to think analytically and strategically, to understand the psychological and social elements that motivate individuals, and to be an effective communicator and problem-solver. I will add to my basic knowledge and learn to apply theories to work in the marketplace. Furthermore, I will better comprehend the relationship between customers, potential customers, clients, manufacturers and management.As a result of my academic and work experiences, I have developed a true passion for marketing.

  My focus on relationship marketing will mean a more in-depth understanding of the needs of individual clients, and a development of the practical skills it takes to meet those needs. This knowledge will prepare me for a leadership role in as a chief executive or even a business owner. The skills and experience gained will guarantee a future in which the sky’s the limit.


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