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出处: 本站原创     作者:xiaonancy     发表时间: 2012-03-31

  For as long as I can remember I have wanted to own my own accountancy business so that I could devote my career to the world of finance. Richard Branson. Rupert Murdoch. Bill Gates. Each of them has one thing in common: dreams. I do possess a quality common among the group; just as they all had a specific dream to succeed in business, I too have a dream to be the best I can be. By studying international business, I will take the next step towards fulfilling my ambitions.

  I took my first step toward achieving this goal by studying a degree in Finance Management for three years, which provided me with the academic and practical preparation needed to enter the business world. As an undergraduate, the topic I found most exciting was accountancy. Learning the parallels to and connections between accountancy and business has been intriguing. I took advantage of the rigorous accountancy coursework to gain a firm grasp of the principles underlying the subject area.

  My acquisition of knowledge during this course was the result of my confidence with numbers and aptitude for conveying information clearly. My preparation secured for me an interim work placement with an accountancy firm in the summer, an opportunity that enabled me to increase my knowledge with practical experience.

  To further my knowledge of accountancy since the completion of my degree, I have been working within the fashion retail industry as a Stockroom Manager. This position has given me experience analysing sales data and conducting stock checks.

  My work has also involved the interlinking of stock management and promotional strategy to ensure the stock budget provides goods to influence the perception, understanding, and actions of the target audiences. I have delivered cost savings, and am proud of my achievements to date. This role has enabled me to develop the necessary skills of being responsible for a team, working under pressure, creating and meeting deadlines, discipline, and multi-tasking, all while devoting complete attention to customer needs and competitor pricing.

  In addition to finance and business, I have a great number of other interests that I pursue. I studied German at A-Level, which proved useful when I worked for a banking firm in Frankfurt last summer. I was exposed to other points of view, related to culture and business.

  Furthermore, I pursue interests outside of study. I am a member of a swim club and have great interest in conservation, particularly the protection of local bird life. I volunteer with the RSPB to help monitor local bird numbers. I look forward to continuing these interests and hobbies in the future.

  Studying international business will afford me the opportunity to expand my knowledge base and broaden my horizons.

  Building upon my undergraduate studies and practical experience in accountancy, along with my managerial experience, I feel that I would succeed in this master’s degree course. I look up to the great businessmen in the world and admire their accomplishments, but I also aim to fulfil my own dreams in my own individual way.


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