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出处: 本站原创     作者:xiaonancy     发表时间: 2012-03-31

  Growing up in London with socially and politically aware parents allowed me to bear witness to a countless number of discussions and debates concerning important issues that affect us all. For example, my father, a physician for nearly thirty years, has always professed his strong opinions about the obligation of government to provide quality healthcare for those not able to afford it on their own. Over time, I would not only listen, but also participate in the valuable exchange of ideas, and this setting provided me with a vigorous interest in politics.

  My concern for these pertinent issues evolved into and became intertwined with a fascination with history. As a child, I remember having difficulty forming an opinion on these issues, but studying history has helped me better understand the world around me. I have learnt that history provides us with a context in which to frame our perspective on human society. History offers us as examples the triumphs and mistakes of those who have gone before us from which we as a society can profit; history does not merely consist of a series of dry facts.

  To think of history as a single academic subject understates its vast importance. It is more precisely the study of many academic subjects, with the added benefit of having the information given in context. Consider, for instance, the controversial topic of colonialism, which one could approach by giving definitions of terms such as ‘dynamism’, or by providing a map showing European expansion. However, history allows these issues to come to life.

  This notion of history serving not only as an educational tool, but also as a warning, prompted me to take notice of patterns in human behaviour. I soon became more comfortable taking a stand on certain issues and joined several social causes, including the promotion of literacy.

  Peering into the past has taught me that ignorance has been the primary cause of most social ills. Teaching adult literacy on a volunteer basis has afforded me the opportunity to develop my communication skills, while in the process teaching me about social differences.

  My academic success has contributed to the discovery of a new self-confidence. Armed with an increased understanding of the world, and how certain ideas and situations have evolved, I have begun to feel more comfortable and content with myself. This new attitude has proved beneficial on more than one occasion. I was student prefect as a tenth-year student by a large percentage. I have had the confidence to enter several writing competitions, having won honours in two of them and seeing an essay I composed on Shakespeare’s Hamlet published in our community newspaper. I aim to someday develop this talent further and write a book.

  Fortunately, I will be able to combine my love for literature and writing with my ever-increasing devotion to history. I plan to pursue a teaching career after receiving my history degree, possibly for post-sixteen students. I would very much like to pass on the knowledge I have acquired in order to enrich their lives.

  As occurred to me, teaching history will provide students with a context in which to view the world that surrounds them, as well as an understanding of the circumstances that bring meaning to the facts. In this way, I will also be teaching them sociology, psychology, communications, and even literature and language. These are the disciplines one studies in order to work, live and relate with other people.

  I am confident that a history degree will make me a more well-rounded person. It will prepare me for the challenges I will face in my professional and personal life, and give me a wisdom that I can then impart to the next generation.


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