英国移民部长戈林(Damian Green)2月9日就英国签证申请费将上涨的提案发布书面声明,该提案将被放在议会中的两个单独规定中。得到议会的允许,政府希望新的收费政策在2012年的4月6日开始实行。
New immigration fees proposed
09 February 2012
Immigration minister Damian Green has issued a written ministerial statement proposing an increase in visa fees, and an increase in UK-based visa application fees.
The proposals will be laid in Parliament in 2 separate regulations and, subject to Parliamentary approval, the government hopes to bring the new fees into force from 6 April 2012.
Damian Green said:
'It is only fair that those who use and benefit from the immigration system contribute a higher share of the cost of running it - reducing the burden on the UK taxpayer.'
Fees will increase by only 2 per cent in the majority of cases, but there will be higher increases on certain routes.
A full table of the proposed fees is included in the written ministerial statement, which can be downloaded from the right side of this page.

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