Living in New York for several years and having a number of business people in the family have made me aware of just what a global village the world has become, especially in terms of the economic system. Economics is current and dynamic; whilst along with most of the population I was worrying about the recent recession, I also found it fascinating to observe the event first hand and see the effects of policy decisions ripple across the world, rather than simply reading about economic history. I am particularly attracted to the applied side of economics because I want to discover how business and the economy deal with each other. Furthermore, having taken Business Studies at GCSE I decided to study Economics at A Level in order to learn more about this bigger picture.
In addition to Economics, studying Maths has developed my logical thinking skills which are helpful when analysing and solving classical economic problems. In contrast to this, investigating solutions to scarcity problems and seeing how opportunity costs affect people everywhere means my Geography studies have enabled me to explore behavioural economics more thoroughly. During my Extended Project, I compared the causes and consequences of The Great Depression and the recent recession, or the 'Great Repression' as Niall Ferguson called it. I was fortunate enough to correspond directly with him for advice, gaining invaluable insight into why the recession occurred. This, combined with extensive reading around the subject, aided me enormously with my economics studies. It also helped me develop my independent learning skills, as I had to complete the project with minimum guidance from my tutor.
My interest in economics has intensified in recent years as I have studied the subject and enjoyed reading works by both modern and classical economists. This includes publications by Tim Harford such as The Undercover Economist and his Dear Economist column. I found his ideas about business objectives and game theory particularly engaging and read in depth about topics we only skimmed over in class. I aspire to one day create and apply ideas like these in order to make businesses more effective and efficient.
In 2008 I completed a work experience placement with Thomson Reuters, the global news and financial information company. Working with the media department helped me understand the influence news reporting has on the public and the effect this can have on the economy. I also learnt about how different parts of a business are managed and developed my time management skills and independence. I currently have a part time job at a local cafe where interacting with customers and managing money have taught me valuable communication skills as well as the need to be accountable.
At school I have thrived in the daily responsibility of House Captain, where I am required to manage the house competitions, chair the council and give speeches at events. As an active member of the debating team I regularly participate in topical discussions such as whether the UK should join the euro. This has taught me to think critically and evaluate situations. I play the piano to grade 8 standard, and am part of the school choir and orchestra. My sporting interests include running, which I find helps me to unwind. I am also a sports leader, a first aider and I volunteer at a local youth club, all of which necessitate me to be independent and quick-thinking. My competitive nature means I am determined to work through problems until I find the best solution, something I believe studying the many aspects of economics will help me apply to a career in business.
I am excited at the prospect of furthering my studies at a university where I can develop both academically and personally. I am confident that my skills and experience to date will prove a firm foundation for a highly successful course of study.

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