After completing my A-level studies, I wanted serious exposure to hands-on science.
For that reason, when a pharmaceutical company offered me a position, I jumped at the opportunity. For one year, I worked closely with a number of scientists as they researched existing diseases and conducted countless experiments to test the efficiency of new drugs.
I knew then that I wanted to devote my tudies to learning how body mechanisms eact to varying chemicals. Witnessing innovative pharmaceutical research had only intensified my passion for biochemistry, a subject I had become ascinated with in high school; it had intrigued me because it integrated my love of chemistry with my desire to learn more about biological processes.
My A-level studies provided me with a solid introduction to biochemistry; I now seek a greater academic focus and more extensive research opportunities by pursuing a university degree.
Throughout high school, my extracurricular activities sharpened skills I will need in my iochemistry course-even if the activities often involved dance and music rather than science.
Each week, I spent the majority of my pare time participating in {List school-related music and dance activities}. I also participated in my local parish’s and and was elected Band Leader by he other members.
Serving in this leadership position has llowed me to shape a community music program and shown me just how much I have learned about time-management nd commitment.
My busy schedule has required me to carefully divide my time among my cademics, extracurricular interests, family and friends; throughout it all, I have prioritised my academics while remaining firmly committed to my outside pursuits. During my biochemistry studies, this balancing act will prove extremely seful as I seriously dedicate myself to my cademics while also maintaining time for my hobbies and relationships.
Five years ago, I had the opportunity to visit Birmingham, England-and I loved every minute of it. The people, the culture and the location all sparked my interest in one day living in England.
I have also visited Japan; these experiences have made me realise that travelling is one of my great passions. I will ursue a rigorous scientific course and I want to immerse myself in a cross-cultural xperience in a place that fascinates me. Based on my esearch and previous ravel experiences, I know that England is this place.

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