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英国留学:金融会计Personal Statement(PS)写作模板四

出处: katrina , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2010-11-8
Accounting and Finance Personal Statement
My passion for Accounting, Business and Finance has developed from observing the progression of my family's business that specialises in independent financial advice. Alongside this I found it fascinating studying A-levels, these subjects gave me a foundation for my academic knowledge leaving me intrigued to learn more, this is how I established that working within the financial industry was for me. I feel that at degree level I can broaden the valuable skills needed in the working environment and develop a method of thinking for challenging issues on decision making. I would like to enhance this by gaining practical work experience by undertaking a work placement to use the knowledge achieved within a degree to real life situations, preparing myself for problems that may arise later in the professional world.
Throughout my studies I have dealt with business case studies reporting on real life organisations. One such case study was Woolworth's where I had to analytically assess the financial performance of the business through ratio analysis and interpret the information drawing conclusions. This enabled me to expand my thinking, comparing businesses and reflecting on information such as the current state of the economy. One particular topic that has interested me is 'Risk Management'. Whilst studying this I have learnt to identify, assess and prioritize risks that a company may encounter. By using cognitive skills of critical thinking throughout projects I am able to measure the risk and uncertainties of a decision and negotiate a preferable outcome.
I currently work for a well established late night music entertainment company. Within my role I have been working on a crew development programme. In which I created a Marketing Plan for the company to stage a night which was presently closed. I had to analyse a market typically shared by the student population from which I was able to budget and forecast for the present night. The research and identifying of analytical influences I undertook proved very successful and it is now an established event. In reward for my commitment and loyalty I have been promoted to Supervisor. I provide leadership to the team ensuring they have the human and physical resources to undertake their work in an efficient manner. Learning to deal with a variety of people shows I am an all rounded person and can deal with responsibilities whist under pressure in a professional and organised manner.
I have under taken work experience for an independent financial advisor with a company called 'Positive Solutions'. I produced their tax returns and other admin work and I experienced how advice is recommended to customers through financial products. My time here gave me a broader knowledge on the financial sector and influenced my decision on a profession within this industry. I also work for the Finance company 'Saga' which has been very interesting to me as I have to utilise several internet based operations whist contacting customers, proving I can multi task. From studying at college and upholding two part time jobs I am organised and have very good time management as I am a motivated and enthusiastic person.
I have trained in a mediation course and I am currently part of a charitable organisation as a volunteer for 'Ashford Mediation Service' which offers a process to allow individuals to find mutually beneficial solutions to problems. From this I have learnt to take an objective approach to situations and find the most suitable arrangement for an individual. I feel this will benefit me with decision making and understanding all aspects of business issues.
I have always been inspired to learn and have a committed approach to progressing onto degree level. I believe it will give me the determination needed to succeed in the world of finance and I will gain from this degree a depth of knowledge and a variety of experience that will prepare me well for a career within the financial services.
英国留学:金融会计Personal Stateme 英国留学:金融会计Personal Stateme
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