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出处: katrina , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2010-11-13
Politics Personal Statement 政治学个人陈述(PS)
Visiting South Africa and the USA in the last year fuelled my enthusiasm for and interest in politics. I attended debates on international issues, as part of the Global Young Leaders Conference in the USA, and focused on school specific legislation in Johannesburg recently. It was fascinating to study how political ideologies determine current legislation in other countries and to see the intriguing differences in their systems. Having been selected to visit and speak in politically and globally renowned institutions such as the UN and IMF was a unique experience. Studying how South Africa's history has shaped and affected schools was culturally, socially and politically enlightening. Middle Eastern politics continue to absorb the world and, at a recent conference, the enthralling speaker was peace activist Norman Kember, held hostage in Iraq for 118 days. Next month I will participate in an International Relations master class at Balliol College, Oxford University. In 2008 I will visit China, one of the world's fastest developing economic superpowers, to explore its political and economic systems.
At A Level, a deep-rooted interest in Government and Politics has led me to study the thought provoking philosophies and theories behind voting behaviour in the UK. I enjoyed studying the EU; its formation, effect on member states and what the future holds, with proposals for a new EU constitution or treaty. I look forward to investigating these issues in my degree whilst exploring new topics such as comparative politics, especially within the EU. The UK's unwritten constitution also interests me, inspiring me to read 'The Hidden Wiring' by Peter Hennessy. This was a revelation on this neglected, vague and contradictory aspect of British politics. The study of an equally global subject, Economics, has been challenging, but rewarding, and has developed my analytical and evaluative skills. Understanding how the economy can control the Government, and remain key in its decision-making, has linked my Economics and Politics courses. After all, what links a political party and an election victory together is 'the economy, stupid'. English Literature has allowed me to formulate coherent debate, balancing social and historical concepts with ideas and opinions formulated by modern day critics and critics of the time. Background research has advanced my autonomous learning skills. My A Level Law enhanced my ability to present reasoned argument and voice opinions in a structured, diplomatic manner.
As Head Girl, managing a team of prefects, whilst working with staff, has developed my organisational and leadership abilities and enabled me to use skills acquired through being elected form representative for the last six years. Running the Debate Club and editing the Year 11 Yearbook and annual Prize Night Magazine for two consecutive years was rewarding. Assisting regularly at Homework Club and as a school mentor, I currently support a Year 11 pupil with reading. A G&T student since Year 7, I participated in long-term projects on Science and Architecture, entering Borough organised competitions. Despite my commitments, I can prioritise and manage my time effectively.
Travelling, socialising and reading help me relax. In July, I visited Lourdes as a Redcap volunteer with the Westminster Diocese Pilgrimage. Genuine teamwork, and highly developed communication skills, helped the Pilgrims physically and spiritually, and ensured our stay was enjoyable, exhilarating and rewarding. I enjoy tennis and swimming, and hope to continue at University. I subscribe to 'New Statesman' and read 'The Guardian', linking articles to my current subjects of study. I relish the challenge of undergraduate study and examining the contemporary world though the political processes working within national states. The rigour of a degree will be stimulating and allow me to fulfil my aims of working for the government, diplomatic service or policy-making units.
英国留学生理学个人陈述(PS)模板1 英国留学宗教研究个人陈述(PS)模板1
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