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当前位置: 首页 -> 英国留学申请 -> 语言考试专区 -> 雅思考试小技巧(中英文对照)


出处: 互联网 , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2010-11-27

    Speak until they stop you, don't just answer the question and stop. Behave as if it was a driving test –keep going straight until told to turn right, left or park.


    It is quite possible that you have to speak about something you have never heard of, or have no opinion of. If you don’t know the subject – tell the examiner immediately, so he could ask you another question. If you don’t tell him and start trying to speak, he might think that it is not a knowledge problem, but a language problem.


    However, certain communication skills should be used at that circumstance.


    IELTS Writing tips


    It is better to write in regular, not very sophisticated English, than to use phrases or structures you don't fully understand. If you need Band 6 – no need for complex sentence structure. If your goal is Band 7 – then show advanced sentence structure, language and vocabulary.

    Don’t write more than 260-265 words in IELTS Writing 2 task. Why­ Not because you will get lower mark, but because of these 2 reasons:


    ­ It takes more time 它花费你更多的时间

    ­ More words = more mistakes 越多的字数-=越多的错误

    If you are told to cover specific points in your essay/letter – cover every point, examiners actually count them. Don’t overuse connecting words (like However, Furthermore, Moreover, etc) – examiners are watching for you to do that.

    如果在你的作文中,被要求涉及某些点:把每个点都涉及到。考官通常会数的。不要过度使用连接词(例如:However, Furthermore, Moreover,等等)。考官会重点关注这一点。
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