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参考范文 Task 2


A country active in scientific research is often one that has a strong power for innovation and wealth creation. Nevertheless, the optimal structure for such kind of research is still source of debate. Should it be the sole responsibility of the government?


Some people argue that it’s better for the government to control scientific research. They believe that research into nuclear technology, national defense or military intelligence is in the national interest or involves high levels of secrecy and should be carried out only by the government. Also, in basic scientific research which is directed purely towards the advancement of knowledge, or where results cannot be guaranteed, there is little incentive for the private sector to invest in these areas and therefore the governments take the leading role.


There are, however, reasons for private companies to participate in scientific research. Research is done more efficiently by private companies because they are profit driven; their products are also more closely associated with market needs. Research into simple articles such as cosmetics or cough medicine is not what the government is interested in, so it’s necessary for the private sector to invest in these areas because they are important for our daily lives. 


From my point of view, both the governments and private companies should be actively involved in scientific research. We should encourage the cooperation between different research institutes including state-owned research centers, universities and corporate labs to accelerate the transfer of technology and research into products and services that can benefit human life.





Part 1


Q1. Let’s talk about your study plans for the future. Please tell me about your current studies.

Well, at the moment I’m enrolled in a language school. I’ve been doing an English for Academic Purposes class trying to get ready for my university studies and, of course, before that, my IELTS exam!


Q2. What is it you like most about your studies?

The teachers are very friendly at the language school. They make all the students feel real welcome. In fact, I’ve enjoyed getting to know many of the students at the language school. We’ve got students studying from all over the world – Thailand, China, one man is from Russia…um, a couple of students from France and…yes, and one from Brazil. It’s a really international class!


Q3. What do you like least about your studies?

Like least? Let me see…you know, that’s a difficult question because the teacher is great, the lessons are interesting and the facilities are also wonderful… not to mention the students! Like least…um, well I guess I’d have to say the English grammar is not something I particularly like. Our teacher described grammar as the engine of a car…you don’t need to be an expert mechanic to drive a car but it’s useful to know what is under the hood! I rather liked his definition but it doesn’t mean I like grammar any better!


Q4. Once you have finished your studies, what do you plan to do?

Well, once I’ve finished at the language school, I want to study marketing. You see, my mother owns a marketing company and she’s been doing this for almost 10 years. She tells me that one day, “I’m going to be the CEO, the big boss.” But before that can happen I must get my qualifications…so, I’ll be studying marketing at university. Actually, I’m very excited about marketing, it’s a very interesting subject with almost limitless opportunities. You could say it ‘runs in my family’!


Q5. Ok. Let’s change topics and talk about animals. Can you tell me about some of the different kinds of animals you have in your country?

Yes, I’m from the Philippines and the local animals there are quite unique. I was reading the other day that we have almost 200 different kinds of reptiles! I was amazed by that figure myself but I’ve seen a few Philippine crocodiles and of course there are hundreds of different kinds of lizards that inhabit the tropical rainforests!

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高手支招:学英语的最好地点是卫生间 听听烤鸭新手的心声
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