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出处: 互联网 , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2010-11-26
Pretest Review:先期测试评估

  The Validation Unit at Cambridge ESOL collates and analyses the pretest material.

  Listening and Reading pretests

  All candidate responses are analysed to establish the technical measurement characteristics of the material, i.e. to find out how difficult the items are, and how they distinguish between stronger and weaker candidates. Both classical item statistics and latent trait models are used in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the material. Classical item statistics are used to identify the performance of a particular pretest in terms of the facility and discrimination of the items in relation to the sample that was used. Rasch analysis is used to locate items on the IELTS common scale of difficulty. In addition, the comments on the material by the staff at pretest centres and the immediate response of the pretest candidates are taken into account.

  At a pretest review meeting, the statistics, feedback from candidates and teachers and any additional information are reviewed and informed decisions are made on whether texts and items can be accepted for construction into potential live versions. Material is then stored in an item bank to await test construction.

  Writing and Speaking pretests

  Separate batches of Writing pretest scripts are marked by IELTS Principal Examiners and Assistant Principal Examiners. At least two reports on the task performance and its suitability for inclusion in live versions are produced. On the basis of these reports, tasks may be banked for live use, amended and sent for further pretesting or rejected.

  Feedback on the trialling of the Speaking tasks is reviewed by experienced examiners, who deliver the trialling tasks, and members of the item writing team who are present at the trialling sessions. The subsequent reports are then assessed by the paper chair and Cambridge ESOL staff.

  解读:在进行先期测试采集分析数据的基础上,剑桥考试委员会试题复核小组(Validation Unit)将汇总各项测试数据进行分析。所有考生的回答都将进行分析以确认试题的技术特征——也即试题的难度及区分度——而这将用到一系列专业的数据分析统计方法和工具。通过验证的试题则将被收入题库,用于将来正式的考试。

  Banking of Material: 试题入库

  Cambridge ESOL has developed its own item banking software for managing the development of new live tests. Each section or task is banked with statistical information as well as comprehensive content description. This information is used to ensure that the tests that are constructed have the required content coverage and the appropriate level of difficulty.


  Standards Fixing Construction: 评分标准校正

  Standards fixing ensures that there is a direct link between the standard of established and new versions before they are released for use at test centres around the world.

  Different versions of the test all report results on the same underlying scale, but band scores do not always correspond to the same percentage of items correct on every test form. Before any test task is used to make important decisions, we must first establish how many correct answers on each Listening or Reading test equate to each of the nine IELTS bands. This ensures that band scores on each test indicate the same measure of ability.


  Live Test Construction and Grading: 生成现场测试

  Live Test Release: 发布现场测试

  At regular test construction meetings, Listening and Reading papers are constructed according to established principles. Factors taken into account are:

  ? the difficulty of complete test versions and the range of difficulty of individual items

  ? the balance of topic and genre

  ? the balance of gender and accent in the Listening versions

  ? the balance of item format (i.e. the relative number of multiple choice and other item-types across versions)

  ? the range of Listening/Reading skills tested.

  The item banking software allows the test constructor to model various test construction scenarios in order to determine which tasks should be combined to create tests that meet the requirements.

  Data are collected routinely from live administrations and analysed both to confirm the accuracy of the initial grading process and to support additional investigations into quality assurance issues.



  Point of Interest One:


  Point of Interest Two:


  Point of Interest Three:


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