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出处: 互联网 , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2010-11-27
Hi guys,

Continuing what I previously shared in the past two weeks -this time I selected a couple of IELTS test questions from Shanghai and Changsha. What you really need to focus on is learning how to apply these formulas (find out more at EQEnglish[dot]com and keep practicing). Ok, here we go.



Part I

Do you live in an apartment or house?
- This is a closed "warmup" question.  You only have two options.  Just answer the question simply by saying: "I live in an apartment" or "I live in a house".

这纯属‘热身’话题‘,你只需简单的回答“I live in an apartment"或者"I live in a house".

Which is your favourite room in your apartment/house?
- FORMULA #2: What do you like about X? (Where X is your favorite room)
- Simply choose a room and then apply formula #2 to talk about the room.

-第二高分公式:What do you like about X? (X就是指你所喜欢的房间)

Let's Talk about flowers - when do you usually buy flowers?
- FORMULA #5: How often do you X? (Where X is "to buy flowers")
- The trick with this question is that it *assumes* you *do* buy flowers.  Regardless, you should answer it as a "how often do you buy flowers" type question.  For example, you could say: "oh, I never buy flowers..." and then follow the "how often do you do X" formula.

我们来谈谈关于花-一般你是什么时候才回购买花? 我们谈谈花—你通常什么时候买花呢?
-第五高分公式:How often to you do X? (X就是指‘买花’)
-应付这种‘狡猾类’问题的手法是首先它已经‘证实’你确实是会买花的。无论怎样,你必须以’你平常多久一次买花‘的思路回答。比如,‘噢,我从来没有买过花,”,然后继续引用“how often do you do X"公式。

When was the last time you bought flowers?
- TRICK QUESTION! They are simply testing whether you can use the past tense correctly!
- You just need to give a SIMPLE, one sentence answer: "The last time I bought flowers was ..."

- 技巧问题!他其实是在测试你是否会运用过去式回答!
- 你只需要很简单的回答:”我最后一次买花的时候是。。。”(如:情人节,母亲节,两年前等)

Do Chinese people like to plant flowers?
- FORMULA 7: "Is X popular in your country".  X = planting flowers.  Follow the formula exactly.

-第7高分公式:“Is X popular in your country". X=种花。根据公式回答就可以了。

Do you usually write?
- FORMULA #5: How do you do X" (Where X is "to write")
- Simple question.  Just follow the formula.

-第五高分公式:"How do you do X" (X=‘写’)
- 非常简单的问题,根据公式回答就可以了。

Do you prefer writing by hand or using computers?
- CLASSIC FORMULA #4! “Do you prefer X or Y"
- Follow the formula/examples exactly to answer.

-经典的第4高分公式!“Do you prefer X or Y"

Part II

Describe a family member that you've live with for the longest time - what did you do together?
- FORMULA #21: Describe a person.
- This question follows the formula exactly.  Don't worry too much about the "longest time" part.  Choose someone you've lived with for a while who is in your family and talk about them.

描述一位与你一起相处最长时间的家庭成员 - 你们都曾经一起干什么活动了呢?
- 第21高分公式:描述一个人。

Describe a special meal
- FORMULA #24: Describe events in the past
- CAREFUL!  This might seem like it is asking you to describe an object ("meal") - but really the meal is an event (there are people there, something happened while you ate, etc.)  Follow Formula #24 to answer correctly!

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雅思考试:考的不仅是语言,是实力 如何在雅思考试中取得理想成绩
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