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出处: 互联网 , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2010-11-26


Wsimple and easy tips for atleast securing a 7 band score in writing.

1. spend 5 minutes on jotting down points on your question paper.

2. First impression is the last impression. Heard of this expression?
( It means that your intro should be rock soild, that further means it should be devoid of silly spelling and grammar mistakes. It should be delicious in taste that keeps a checker/reader at their sit edge for wanting more and more).

3. Your body paras should be stick to 2-3 good points on either side you choose. They can be based on your personal experiences or from history or from current events. Develop your essay around those points.
4. Your concluding para should be short and it is no more introducting points but rather reinforcing your firm stand on the topic. A three-four line conclusion is good enough.

5. When you write an essay. Write it straight from your heart. There must be a soul behind the writing. There should be some emotions in the essay.

6. Keep your writing sentences short. If you want to write a long sentence, its length should not be exceeded over two short sentences.

7. Use some $5 vocabulary words (let's say 6-7 in the whole essay). So that they can stand out and the checker can notice them easily. Those $5 vocabuary words are common words that you see in newspaper articles over and over again.

8. Don't worry about essay length. A 260 word essay can secure a good band than a 350 word essay.

9. Don't ever give a single chance to your checker to pick up speeling mistakes. If you write the essay with that mentality, you'll do weill in the real test.

10. Learn to relax so that you can come up with good points for your essay. Writing essays should be a past time activity for you rather than a cumbersome chore which is forced upon you by a third party.
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