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出处: 互联网 , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2010-11-27
Taking a test of any kind can be a daunting experience for anyone, but for you IELTS students especially in their oral exam the level of nervousness is the highest. Because you have to face an examiner. It is positively nerve-wracking. Although the studying and preparations have been done, nothing seems to calm those last-minute nerves in some students, and even some of the brighter ones who are expected to perform well on the test can also be affected. Therefore, you should try to minimize this situation by doing different kinds of preparations.

Make Sure You Know The Material and Questions of IELTS Like The Back Of Your Hand. Feeling unprepared and unfamiliar with the material will certainly increase the amount of nervousness you feel before taking a test. You have to study months prior the test and ask an acquaintance to quiz you. You should create organized answers and practice them with a partner. If you feel confident in your knowledge of the material that will be tested, the degree of nervousness can be greatly reduced.

Enforce An Early Bedtime The Night Before. Candidates become nervous before a test can have trouble falling asleep the night before the big day. By sending yourself to bed on time or a little bit early the night before, it can help you to get a good night's rest which will help you feel more relaxed and less anxious in the morning. Some of you candidates even come late during the test and it certainly rise the level of nervousness that can greatly affect your performance in the test.

Have A Hearty And Appetizing Breakfast.  Nervous test taker may have difficulty taking more than a few bites of breakfast the day of the test. You have to have an appetizing breakfast with plenty of your own favorites, it can encourage yourself to go off to the testing center with a full stomach. This will help you feel alert and strong and ready to face to the exam.

Learn Relaxation Techniques.  Use deep breathing or visualization as a way to reduce your anxiety about taking tests. Encourage yourself to take several deep cleansing breaths, or visualizing while the tests are being passed out will help you relax and focus on the task at hand.

Once the exam begins, any nervousness should begin to disappear. A page full of questions or facing the examiner can be somewhat overwhelming, but a quick glance over all of them or smiling at the examiner before beginning to answer can help to dispel any fears. It is inevitable that some questions will appear difficult or complicated. If you really do not know the answer, these should be skipped initially, and students should give their full attention to the questions that they can answer quickly and easily. The difficult questions can be considered again later. Do not force yourself to think of the answer as it will consume much of your time. And if you realized that your time is not enough then you will be more nervous and will not be calm enough to answer the other questions.

There are some students who sail through the exams with very little stress or tension, taking everything in their stride. And some fail because of great anxiousness.  It is a matter of personality. How well you can cope up with nervousness will influence the result of your exam. So by knowing how to conquer it will surely help you.

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