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当前位置: 首页 -> 英国留学申请 -> 语言考试专区 -> 雅思考试如何考到9分


出处: 互联网 , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2010-11-26

Since there is a request for knowing how to get a 9 in the IELTS, here are some tips:

1. Modify your TV habits at least for some time. Watch BBC and other British programmes. Follow every word that they say and try to emulate the style (not neccesarily the accent) of the speakers.


2. Read extensively. My favourite is PG Wodehouse and I can still find at least four words in any Wodehouse short story which I need to look up. Keep a dictionary handy. If you remember the write - up by an IELTS paper checker, these will add to your store of Five Dollar words.


3. Practise speaking either with a friend who has a good command of the language, or even on tape. Play it back. How do you sound?


4. You do not have to use big and multi sylllable words, especially in your speaking. The sentences have to be appropriate, grammatically correct and in context. Always talk more than the examiner, but don't waffle (meander out of context)


5. Take a course from a sensible person. The idea is to learn (as in any post graduate exam!!) about exam TECHNIQUE rather than the content of the exam.


6. If you have a British Council in your city, attend one of their periodic IELTS get togethers and orientation meetings. These are very helpful. Two tips that I got from them about the subjective part of the exam were :
a. No margin for error or benefit of the doubt is given to the candidate in the writing and speaking sections. If the words are illegible or inaudible, they are considered WRONG.
b. The length of your essay(s) HAVE to be over the target word amount. I personally counted and put down the number of words for both my writing tasks. This can earn a sigh of relief from a harried examiner who has to count AND go through some very interesting matter.


7. JUST DO YOUR BEST. Setting targets like I MUST GET A 9 are often self defeating. Believe me, before the TRF form arrived, I had nightmares about getting 6.5 in one of the heads, which would mean a (more than) 90 day delay in my plans. So relax, God is in charge.




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妙招放送:学习雅思词汇有十个技巧 雅思考试书籍精选和经验
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