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出处: 互联网 , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2010-11-27

      有同学说NBA的专题对于女生来说不完全适用, 那就再写一个瑜伽的话题吧.

  这样一个竞技, 一个健身.

  在体育之年, 运动话题大家都应该 “拿手”了吧.



  It seems that everybody is talking about sports this year with the 2008 Olympic Games and the European Football Cup and the like.

  Being a girl, I’m not the athletic type.

  I enjoy doing yoga.

  And, with a little background music, yoga helps me relax both physically and psychologically.

  The reasons why I enjoy doing yoga this much are three-fold.

  To start with, I’m a girl, so I care greatly about my figure,

  and yoga is a slimming exercise that assists you to burn away a lot of the extra energy that you don’t use everyday.

  So naturally, it can help everybody lose weight and achieve the ideal figure.

  Secondly, the meditation you do with yoga can help you, for a short time,

  forget all your problems at work or at school.

  Close your eyes and think about it!!

  When you’re doing yoga on the beach,

  the wind blows onto your body and the sun shines evenly on your face,

  it’s totally therapeutic.

  Last but not least, yoga is more than just an exercise.

  During yoga, your muscles are always straining,

  and it strengthens the flexibility and toughness of your body.

  I know, I know!

  People say yoga is not a sport per se (本质上的),

  but it doesn’t mean it’s any easier than physical games such as basketball or hockey.

  It takes patience and perseverance to be really good at it.

  And I’ve got news for you—it good for both girls AND men.

  I think the world of yoga can reach deep into our souls.

  Nowadays, we’re so preoccupied with our trivial worries about finance, interpersonal relationships, work, future,… blah, blah, blah.

  Yoga gives us a chance to stop, and think.

  Yoga returns us to what we really are.



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