By using good examination technique you could help to improve your overall score for the IELTS test.
Remember that every section is marked independently. Do not jeopardise your performance in one section just because you believe that you have done badly in another. Do not underestimate or try to predict your outcome. You may, in fact, have done better than you imagined.
Focus on what you know rather than on what you don't know while you are doing the test.
Ensure that you adhere to the times suggested as they usually correspond to the number of marks given for a particular question.
In the Listening and Reading Modules, it is a good idea to write down an answer, even if you are not sure of it, before moving on to the next question. Many students intend to return to the answers they have omitted at the end of the test but do not have enough time to do so. Furthermore, by writing your best answer at the actual time of reading the question, you save the time you need to spend again on re-reading the question and re-acquainting yourself with the subject matter. If you are not confident about your answer, mark it in some way and return to it at the end.
Do not leave any answers blank. You are not penalised for incorrect answers, so ‘guess’ wisely.
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