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出处: 互联网 , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2010-11-29

标点符号也是IELTS听力的一个考点,迄今为止,IELTS考过两次标点符号,一次是V21的section 1,要求填写party的举办地点Grouche’s,录音中已经说出apostrophe(’),许多考生听不懂这个词,但这是这道填空题的关键,即使前面的Grouche写对了答案也不能算正确;另一次是V31的section 3,其中一道题要求填写question mark(?),这个相对来说比较简单。

punctuation: The use of standard marks and signs in writing and printing to separate words into sentences, clauses, and phrases in order to clarify meaning;the act or practice of inserting standardized marks or signs in written matter to clarify the meaning and separate structural units;. 标点法, 在写作及印刷中运用标准符号或标志以隔开词而形成句子、从句及词组从而使意思清晰,例如: a system of punctuation

punctuation mark: any of various standardized marks or signs used in punctuation

Quotation mark:inverted comma:one of a pair of punctuation marks “” or‘’used chiefly to indicate the beginning and the end of a quotation in which the exact phraseology of another or of a text is directly cited 引号,单引号(用于引文内另一引文的起始和结束处)

Apostrophe: The superscript sign (') used to indicate the omission of a letter or letters from a word, the possessive case, and the plurals of numbers, letters, and abbreviations;a mark ' used to indicate the omission of letters or figures, the possessive case, or the plural of letters or figures撇号,写在字上方的符号('),用来表示从单词中省略一个或几个字母、所有格形式及数字、字母、缩写的复数形式,省略符号, 撇号(')[用于 ①表示省略, 如:can't, (=can not); '88(=1988) ②表示所有格, 如 boy's; James' ③表示复数, 如two 0's, four 9's ④表示年代, 如the 1980's (读作 the nineteen eighties)20世纪80年代⑤表示一字中的某一音不发, 如: 'lectric (=electric)]

Comma: A punctuation mark (,) used to indicate a separation of ideas or of elements within the structure of a sentence;used especially as a mark of separation within the sentence 逗号, 一种标点符号(,),用于表示句子结构内思想或要素的分开

Full stop: A period indicating the end of a sentence. 句号, 标示一句话结束的句点

Colon:冒号1): a punctuation mark : used chiefly to direct attention to matter (as a list, explanation, or quotation) that follows  2): the sign : used between the parts of a numerical expression of time in hours and minutes (as in 1:15) or in hours, minutes, and seconds (as in 8:25:30), in a bibliographical reference (as in Nation 130:20), in a ratio where it is usually read as *to* (as in 4:1 read *four to one*), or in a proportion where it is usually read as *is to* or when doubled as *as* (as in 2:1::8:4 read *two is to one as eight is to four*

Semicolon: a punctuation mark(;) used chiefly in a coordinating function between major sentence elements (as independent clauses of a compound sentence)

Question mark::a mark( ?) used in writing and printing at the conclusion of a sentence to indicate a direct question, 也称作interrogation mark或interrogation point.

Interrogate:1 : to question formally and systematically 2 : to give or send out a signal to (as a transponder) for triggering an appropriate response

Exclamation mark [point]:a mark ! used especially after an interjection or exclamation to indicate forceful utterance or strong feeling ? called also exclamation mark感叹号, 惊叹号

建议考生在复习时,除了把已经考过的这两个标点符号(apostrophe、question mark)熟练掌握外,优先掌握comma、full stop、quotation mark、exclamation mark这几个词,推荐使用经典教材《初级英语听力》来练习这些标点符号。

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