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当前位置 :英国留学->语言考试介绍->优越教育:雅思写作经典论据


出处: 本站原创     作者:优越大编011     发表时间: 2012-07-20


1. The oldest and purest of the arguments for space exploration is the advancement of science and technology。

2. We will go into space, not to bring back things which make us richer or more comfortable here on Earth. We will go there to live and make it our home。

3. The exploration to the universe is a high ideal –space truly is the final frontier 。

4. The instinct to explore is fundamentally human; already some of our most amazing achievements have taken place in space。

5. No one can deny the sense of wonder。

6. The exploitation of space has directly changed our world. Satellites orbiting the Earth allow us to communicate instantaneously with people on different continents, and to broadcast to people all over the world。

7. Weather satellites save lives by giving advance warning of adverse conditions, and together with other scientific instruments in orbit they have helped us understand our own world better。

8. Space exploration is an investment in the future. Our world is rapidly running out of resources. Overpopulation could become a serious worldwide threat。

9. Space exploration open us new world and adds to our knowledge, enabling human being to know more about the universe as well as about the earth。

10. Space exploration helps to acquire new resources to mitigate the energy crisis (shortage). There may be some new kinds of natural resource in other planets。

11. Space exploration may find new living places for human being to solve the problem of overpopulation. There is possibility that one day mankind may emigrate to other planets。

12. Space exploration is necessary for future. If we want to progress in the world then we should continue space exploration。



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