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当前位置 :英国留学->个人陈述专区->伯恩茅斯大学录取的精彩艺术设计Personal Statement

伯恩茅斯大学录取的精彩艺术设计Personal Statement

出处: 本站原创     作者:优越大编011     发表时间: 2012-04-07

本个人陈述(personal statement,PS)作者获得英国波恩茅斯大学录取通知书。

Fashion Buying/Management Personal Statement


Fashion gives me the confidence to live my life to its full potential. This is because fashion helps describe you as a person, everyone has their own interpretation of fashion, and becoming a fashion buyer would not only be a dream job, it would be an exhilarating journey. I would love to travel the world and view amazing collections, or just to meet other people as passionate about the industry as I am. My favorite designers currently are Kim Jones, topman design and Paul Smith, who I admire deeply and all make spectacular menswear collections, I admire them because they are young fresh and are the future of men’s fashion.

After some illness during my school years, I stayed on for a year in sixth form to complete more GCSE’s and now I am at college which I adore. I have learnt a lot about the fashion business at college such as finance and marketing, aswell at leadership styles. I was also taught about and how people use fashion as communication and stereotypes formed from how we dress. Through studying at college I gained more self motivation and independence which ill need at university.

I have had over 2 years of work experience in retail fashion by working part time at Sports World where I have been employed since 2005.Working there I have gained management, organizational and social skills which are all beneficial to the world of fashion and management. I know how to operate in all the different areas of the business including delivery, customer service and merchandising, which I think would be useful in a fashion management/buying degree because I will have some previous hands on experience.

Millennium volunteers club is a volunteer agency for young people which I am proudly part of. My volunteer life started at Age concern when I was 15, where i learnt a lot about fashion and merchandising as management left me charge to choose which of the donated clothes were suitable for the shop floor, this placement for 3 months. I also volunteered for MENCAP daybreak scheme which is a summer placement helping disabled children undertake fun activities during the school holidays, here I learnt a lot about teamwork and management during this time, finally I was a classroom assistant at ********* primary school. This shows a more socially aware and caring side to me.

The business side of fashion is where I want to be involved, so fashion management and buying is the route I want to pursue. I currently am completing a piece of business A2 coursework where I am opening my own retail fashion shop which I am very excited about. My hobbies and interests outside of work and college are music sociology, dance, formula 1 and athletics. In the past I have been members of ******* football club and ******** swimming and Athletics teams.

I think I would be very suitable for a place on your course because I’m hard working, dedicated and I think I would be able to cope with university life. I am always buying fashion magazines, watching fashion TV or just shopping and buying clothes in general in my spare time. I realise fashion buying is about staying ahead of the game and having great organization skills which I believe I have. I feel I have the flair to really achieve my full potential at university.


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