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当前位置 :英国留学->个人陈述专区->被南安普顿大学录取的地质学个人陈述Personal Statement

被南安普顿大学录取的地质学个人陈述Personal Statement

出处: 本站原创     作者:优越大编011     发表时间: 2012-04-08

Geology Personal Statement 地质学个人陈述(PS)

I have decided to transfer for a number of small reasons, the main one being that I miss the amenities and society that comes with living in a city. I miss buses and regular trains, easy access to shops and a swimming pool, I even miss McDonalds.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the aspects of geology I have studied so far, even the fieldtrips (hard work but useful). I am especially interested in learning more about palaeontology and also geophysics (I have a fondness for sums that will not go away!).

I do not feel as if this last year has been wasted, I have made many good friends and learnt an awful lot, not to mention discovering that computers aren't boxes that beep nastily.

When not looking intently at rocks I enjoy using computers+ and have been amazed at the thiving society that is the internet. Through this I have made friends with, and met, people from many different places and backgrounds whose friendship and humour I will continue to enjoy++. I have assisted in website designs and produced a number of different projects using word, excel, access, pagemaker, coreldraw, powerpoint and netscape. I enjoy this both as an ends to a means and as a purely creative outlet. I also love swimming, an activity I've sorely missed this year. I am still currently Liverpool and District Ladies Lifesaving Champion (third year running).

As well as these activities I have developed an obsession with theme parks and scary rides (including Oblivion at Alton Towers, an achievement I am very proud of as someone not particularly fond of falling), and I am spending my life savings on a trip to Orlando in June to have an amazing holiday.

Well there is a lot more I could write here (especially about the voluntary work I do at my cinema) but I have run out of space.

Hope to see you soon.


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