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当前位置 :英国留学->英国大学排名->2015年《卫报》英国大学助产护理学专业排名-优越教育


出处: 本站原创     作者:优越大编011     发表时间: 2014-07-10


Rank2015 Institution Guardian score/100 Satisfied with course Satisfied with teaching Satisfied with feedback Student to staff ratio Spend per student/10 Average entry tariff Value added score/10 Career after 6 months
1 Edinburgh 100 97 98.5 69.1 8 10 500
2 Liverpool 87.7 100 97.8 88 11.5 8 366 100
3 Portsmouth 86.8 97 99.3 75.2 13.6 10 380
4 Glasgow 85.1 88.1 88.8 83.7 16.8 9 422 4
5 UEA 84.6 89 85 61.6 12.5 10 370 8 99
6 Huddersfield 80.2 97 96.2 93.8 16.9 4 372 8 96
7 Nottingham 76.9 91.9 93.5 66.4 14.7 7 364 8 99
8 Southampton 76.8 84 82.8 70.4 15.4 9 354 8 100
9 York 76.7 88 94 63.9 15.3 8 351 6 97
9 Coventry 76.7 96 94.5 88.2 15.1 4 331 8 98
11 Birmingham 75.3 96 97.3 70.7 14.3 6 376 2 99
12 Oxford Brookes 74.7 90 93.5 85.3 16.2 8 346 7 93
13 Surrey 74.6 88.9 89.5 74.1 23.2 8 395 8 98
14 Keele 73.7 91.1 92.5 69 15.5 5 332 9
15 Queen Margaret 73.6 100 98.5 70.3 16 3 365 4 100
16 Teesside 73.3 91 93 86.9 16.4 4 329 8 95
17 Glyndwr 73.1 94.1 94 87.3 14 4 2 94
18 Kingston - St George's University 72.3 82 90 61.5 15.1 10 288 9 96
19 Leeds 71.8 70 78.8 64 16 10 388 2 98
20 South Wales 71.1 95 93.5 83.6 16.2 4 378 4 95
20 Cardiff 71.1 87.9 89.2 71.3 14.9 381 4 98
22 Staffordshire 70.7 81.8 91.7 77.1 13.7 5 329 4 99
23 Northampton 70.3 92 92.3 80.1 12.6 6 323 2 97
24 Sheffield 70.2 87.1 89.1 66.5 12.9 7 305
25 Northumbria 69.9 93 93 79.4 16.3 4 362 5 97
26 Manchester Met 68.4 100 95 81.6 16.2 3 335 2 98
27 Edge Hill 67.5 90 91.8 84.6 14.9 5 329 5 90
28 UWE Bristol 67.4 79 85.3 69.1 14.8 3 353 7 97
28 Swansea 67.4 87.9 86.2 73.1 15.7 7 335 2 98
30 Chester 67 84.2 87.1 78.5 17.4 5 314 7 97
31 King's College London 66.8 83 85.3 60.2 19 7 383 6 99
32 De Montfort 66.2 95 96 82.2 17.5 3 309
32 Bournemouth 66.2 81 85.3 75 18.6 6 324 9 96
34 Birmingham City 65.8 85 90 67.1 19.4 4 342 8 97
35 University Campus Suffolk 65.7 76.2 81.3 71.2 18.3 374 6 98
36 Leeds Met 65.1 89 94.8 67.4 13 4 299 3 96
37 Bangor 64.5 78.8 86 76 14.7 6 311 2 99
38 Hertfordshire 64.2 77.2 83.3 58.7 16 4 319 8 97
39 Lincoln 63.5 96 92.5 77 21.2 5 321 5
40 Brighton 62.5 79 85.7 63.4 16.3 3 318 7 98
41 Plymouth 62.2 83.2 88.4 71.8 16.5 5 313 6 94
42 Cumbria 62.1 82 88.5 77.7 16.7 1 311 8 97
43 Hull 61.7 84 84.6 67.8 13.7 4 351 7 89
44 Sheffield Hallam 61.1 86 84.8 73.6 17.5 6 324 9 88
45 Manchester 61 77 83.8 56.4 14.3 7 375 4 92
46 Worcester 60.7 92 94 77.8 17.9 2 276 7 93
47 Salford 59.9 81.2 83.8 66.9 14.8 4 353 3 95
48 Stirling 59.8 89 90.5 71.9 16.4 4 271 93
49 Canterbury Christ Church 59.6 78.8 82.8 62.2 17.3 2 292 9 98
50 West London 59.1 84.2 87.8 76.4 19.7 5 291 3 99
51 Liverpool John Moores 58.6 85 85.5 74.4 19.1 5 338 4 92
52 Glasgow Caledonian 57.8 94.9 91.5 79.2 19.5 4 319 86
53 Queen's, Belfast 56.5 91.1 93.5 69.7 19.6 4 295 4 92
53 Bradford 56.5 81.2 77.6 62.8 16.4 5 330 9 85
55 Greenwich 56.1 88.9 92 78.6 22.5 3 299 8 90
56 London South Bank 55.9 82 87.3 59 19.4 4 272 8 93
57 Robert Gordon 55.2 87 86 70.1 19.1 4 300 93
58 Ulster 55.1 93.9 89.8 57.4 17.6 3 328 3 94
59 Middlesex 54.9 82.2 81.1 72.5 17.8 7 282 3
60 Central Lancashire 54.8 74 81.3 61.6 18.5 7 342 4 94
61 Dundee 53.9 87 88.2 67.7 18.8 5 237 94
62 Bedfordshire 52.8 82.8 82.7 65.7 23.5 5 263 7 97
63 Bucks New University 50.7 84.8 84.7 62.1 22.1 4 272 6
64 Edinburgh Napier 50.3 81 85.5 63.8 20 3 285 94
65 Anglia Ruskin 49.5 69.3 80.2 69.8 21 9 275 1 98
66 West of Scotland 48.2 90.1 91.3 62.4 16.6 4 259 82
67 City 46.9 71.7 80 69.7 21.3 7 323 4 84
68 Abertay 32.8 74.3 87.2 38.6 24 2 266



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