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当前位置 :英国留学->留学面试专栏->英国留学 - 剑桥大学模拟面试问答与分析(优越教育独家设计)

英国留学 - 剑桥大学模拟面试问答与分析(优越教育独家设计)

出处: 本站原创     作者:优越大编011     发表时间: 2015-04-21

对于广大准备申请英国留学的同学们,面试已经成为重要的一关。在英国拥有超过10年历史的英国优越教育,从2010年开始真正进入中国大陆市场,短短几年间,其已经在英国留学领域树立起一面鲜明的旗帜。优越教育致力于打造英国留学的高端品牌,这个品牌的最终目标,是真正提升学生们的留学质量与留学体验。用优越教育伦敦总部执行总监与首席顾问Jade老师的话,“打造真正致力于提升留学质量与留学体验的高端品牌,并非噱头,也不仅仅是口号,它是作为留学教育机构的一个使命!” 以下是英国优越教育的中国代表处的资深顾问老师为广大同学们设计的剑桥大学相关的模拟面试与应答分析。

模拟问题1Why are you interested in our college?

模拟答案1:Your 800-year history and 90 Nobel Prize winners support your present excellence and future aspirations. What makes me more confirmed to choose your university is that University of Cambridge always sticks to its school motto - being the cradle of enlightenment and wisdom. Today’s world is changing so fast that more and more elite universities and professors or scholars tend to be commercialized and internationalized, but you university is not one of them. And you amazing supervision system and rigorous atmosphere have maintained for over a hundred years. It is a very good tradition and you are absolutely my first choice.


模拟问题2Why do you want to major in Finance?

模拟答案2:I was born in 1990s. I witnessed the reform and opening-up policy, and the amazing development of my country. However, the financial industry always lagged behind other industries. For example, we are still not able to achieve the interest rate liberalization which makes the interest rate of the private lending market unreasonably high. On the other hand, there is huge potential in the financial market.


模拟问题3What do you see yourself doing in 10 years from now?

模拟答案3:I hope to study in Master your university next year; after graduation, I will need about 3-5 years to become a qualified professional in the securities industry; however, my aim is not just this, because my career goal is to enter the private equity industry and build my own fund.


模拟问题4Does your high school record accurately reflect your effort and ability?

模拟答案4:Not exactly! My high school transcripts reflect my study ability. But in my opinion Chinese exam-oriented education ignored some important abilities, like exploratory learning and innovation which I have been forging during my study.


模拟面试5:Can you recommend a good book to me?

模拟答案5:Capital in the Twenty-First Century, by Thomas Piketty. This is a monumental work about inequality. The book's main thesis is that economic growth alone isn't sufficient to overcome three "divergence mechanisms" or "forces" that are in many places returning inequality in income and/or capital to pre-World-War-I levels. In principle, it could be read by a broad, college-educated audience。


模拟面试6:Tell me about competition in the television industry.

模拟答案6:At the beginning, competition among domestic television companies was mainly through price war, which made profits of the industry decrease. Producers needed to cut costs to maintain the profit and thus to some extent affect the quality of their products. Consumers were driven off by inland TV’s inferior product quality to buy Japanese TVs. However, nowadays residents' income is increasing substantially and firms conduct differentiation strategies to adapt to the new Internet-market.


模拟面试7:How effective is current monetary policy?

模拟答案7:Now China’s central bank is trying to carry out market-based interest rate policy to reduce the general lending cost. Commercial banks, as the junction stations of the monetary system, play the key role in this progress. However, in China, nationalized banks’ domination in the market makes the de-leveraging process difficult to move on.


模拟问题8:Does inflation have any affect on the housing market?

模拟答案8:Yes, inflation affects the housing market. When money is injected into the housing market it causes inflation within the housing market, but wouldn't necessarily cause inflation in other markets. Therefore the cost of housing would go up faster than the general inflation rate. However, inflation only measures the general trend in prices, and there are many variables that go into a product that can affect its price.


模拟问题9:What is Finance?

模拟答案9:Finance is the allocation of stakes and liabilities over the long term under states of conviction and doubt. A key focus in finance is the time value of cash, which states that an unit of currency today is worth more than the same unit of money tomorrow.


模拟问题10:Why do firms exist?

模拟答案10:The ultimate goal of any private sector firm is to make money so they exist for making money for themselves...though the same is not always applicable to public sector units they most of the time are there for the welfare measures of the people.



相关留学咨询,请赶快拨打400-666-1553(中国大陆), 0044(0)203 949 6719(英国本地)!

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