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当前位置 :英国留学->留学面试专栏->英国留学 - 帝国理工模拟面试问答与分析(优越教育独家设计)

英国留学 - 帝国理工模拟面试问答与分析(优越教育独家设计)

出处: 本站原创     作者:优越大编011     发表时间: 2015-04-21

现阶段,申请英国留学的人数越来越多,对于广大准留学生们,如何通过严格的面试已经成为申请者所关心的一个重要问题。在英国拥有超过10年历史的英国优越教育,从2010年开始真正进入中国大陆市场,短短几年间,其已经在英国留学领域树立起一面鲜明的旗帜。优越教育致力于打造英国留学的高端品牌,这个品牌的最终目标,是真正提升学生们的留学质量与留学体验。用优越教育伦敦总部执行总监与首席顾问Jade老师的话,“打造真正致力于提升留学质量与留学体验的高端品牌,并非噱头,也不仅仅是口号,它是作为留学教育机构的一个使命!” 以下是英国优越教育的中国代表处的资深顾问老师为广大同学们设计的帝国理工学院大学相关的模拟面试与应答分析。

面试官:Can you briefly describe your academic background?

面试者:I am a senior 3 student, studying the BC program at Shanghai Nan Yang Model High school, which is affiliated with the University of British Columbia. I excel in mathematics; physics and chemistry that are all tested the highest scores.


面试官:So what do you learn from the subject Mathematics?

面试者: I have learnt a lot from Mathematics because it is my favorite subject. I have learnt the quadratic and cubic equation, trigonometric functions such as sin & cos formula.


面试官:All right. Take the quadratic equation like U-shaped graph, please explain it to me what are you understanding about it?

面试者:Permit me to take the marketing for example. If you set the price at the lowest, you could make the most profits, and vice versa. Therefore, there is a close link among the sales, profits and price.

面试官:You mention the quadratic equations, so quadratic equations focus on U-shaped graph. Could you explain how would you use that in the real world, and what is the good application of that quadratic formula.

面试者:To this, permit me to take the marketing for example. If you set the price higher you must sell more sales and vice versa. In order to make the most profits, we can use the U shaped graph to find that point.


面试官:In general, as a student what are your advantages?

面试者:In my point of view, I think what makes me different from others is my spirit of exploration and determination to solve the problems that occurred in my life. Once I tried to design an earphone after reading some articles online, I bought the required material and tried to design one by myself. The process was not smooth going initially and I encountered different problems. However, I was not discouraged and began to tackle the problems one by one immediately. With my determination and patience, I finally succeeded in making the earphone and the sense of achievement was really enjoyable and I surely have the potential to be a top student in the future.


面试官:Sounds great. So why do you want to choose the Electric and Electronic Engineering at Imperial College London?

面试者:This is a long story. I was supposed to be a music producer in the past as I love music very much and had my own band. At high school, I served as a vice president at Guitar Club. However, as you may know, as child who grew up in a Chinese family, it is not a wise choice for them because their parents will put much pressure on study. But I am fond of collecting many earphones and try to design one as I mentioned before. So I expect to register courses at multiple areas engineering at your university since I am good at mathematics, physics and chemistry, and I want to learn more about the engineering, so I plan to work in such a large enterprise like Sennheiser and Sony. And if possible, I also hope to start my own business after graduation.


面试官:It is very ambitious, alright, your interests is music and engineering. There are many entrepreneurs graduating from our university, so you pick a good place, do you have any questions for us?

面试者:Hum, Could I ask what is boy to girl ratio at your university. And I am still single.

面试官:Well, you are lucky, I suppose, it is about 36 girls to 46 boys in the engineering faculty, you will find more boys. Good luck, any other questions?

面试者:Thank you, I also have another question. Could you tell me what is the greatest strength of your university?

面试官:Well, our university has a very high reputation, it is built, and something similar to the version like MIT you know American Massachusetts Institute of Technology. We have a student body which ate diverse and gather students all over the world. So, we have a highly qualified student body and we have really qualified professors as well. Between two of these, we produce rather a lot of fantastic graduates.


面试者:I have learnt a lot about that, thank you very much and I have no other questions.

面试官:What do you often do in your leisure time?

面试者:I often listen to music and watch the films and sometimes go running at weekends.

面试官:Where do you run?

面试者:Do some exercise, I mean in the park in my home.

面试官:Alright, when you are running, your heart rate increases and your heart beats fast, why does it happen?

面试者:This question I think is related to biology, If you are running faster, you need to deliver more oxygen to the muscle, and your body’s metabolic products needs to release them. And such answers could be like your carbon dioxide increases and oxygen will be decreased.

面试官:Alright, how does your body know it is happening?

面试者: I think it is related to body system, and there is a system in my body to process it. The body has a signal from your brain or heart, your heart beats faster because you need to deliver more oxygen and release the carbon dioxide that may be so.


面试官:And you mention you like reading, what have you read recently?


面试官:Alright, tell me more about Twilight?

面试者: I read this novel and also watch the movie. It is a romantic love story between Vampire Edward and middle school student Bella. And what I can learn from this movie is that I learn the western style and different ways of thinking that cannot be learnt from the books. I also can improve my spoken English and writing skills.

面试官:What kind of difference between your culture and western culture.

面试者:Chinese people are not as open as western people, not used to thinking every thing more often like westerners. So westerners have different ideas. But as I mention the students in China, they have much pressure from their parents, and they just need to achieve high grades by studying hard on books, so they often have less time to read more, which is different from western culture.

面试官:Alright, thank you very much, Yuanyuan. See you.

面试者:Yes, thank you.


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