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当前位置: 首页 -> 英国留学申请 -> 本科预科申请 -> 预科推荐学校 - 曼彻斯特The University of Manchester

预科推荐学校 - 曼彻斯特The University of Manchester

出处: , 已经有 人浏览过此页面, 发表时间: 2010-6-1
曼彻斯特The University of Manchester特色专业:商学院排名前3,建筑,工程
曼彻斯特The University of Manchester入学要求: 高二或高三毕业学生,高中成绩80分以上;雅思5.5(有内部英语测试)

Why Manchester?为何选择曼大

  • The UK's largest single-site university;英国最大的单地域大学
  • The UK's most popular university, receiving more applications for undergraduate study than any other British university; 最受欢迎学校,比其它英国大学接受更多本科生申请
  • In the latest Research Assessment Exercise (RAE 2008), Manchester was rated third in the UK behind only Oxford and Cambridge in terms of 'research power'; 最新调查显示曼大在科研方面仅次于牛津剑桥,排名第三!
  • Guaranteed accommodation for international students; 国际学生住宿更有保障
  • In the 2008 Shanghai Jiao Tong Ranking of the World's Top 500 Universities, Manchester was placed 40th. This increase of eight places in one year is more than any other university in the top 100; 在上海交通大学08年世界前500名大学排名中,曼大排第40名。上升8位的排名,比任何一个前一百学校的上升幅度都大!
  • No fewer than 23 Nobel Prize winners amongst our current and former staff and students; 拥有不少于23名诺贝尔奖获得者!
  • 4 million books in one of the best UK university libraries. 最好的英国大学图书馆,藏书4百万本!


Manchester city centre is one of the North West's best locations for shopping. The prime retailing area is based around the pedestrianised Market Street and the massive Arndale Centre, which has undergone a £150m renovation project over the last decade, including the opening of the northern extension in 2006.

Anyone looking for high fashion should investigate the area around King Street, St Ann's Square and the Victorian Barton Arcade, where big names such as Armani, Vidal Sassoon, Diesel and DKNY sit snugly alongside smaller, independent shops.

Everyone from H&M to Harvey Nichols has a store here. In fact, you'd be hard pushed to name a store not in Manchester.

Other shopping destinations worth investigating include:曼城值得一去的购物点

  • The Triangle, which houses independent jewellers and names like O'Neill, Westworld and Jigsaw;
  • The Northern Quarter, home to a host of alternative shopping options, including  second-hand clothes, musical instruments, tattooists, printers and record shops. The best known of them all is Afflecks, with its five floors of affordable indie fashions;
  • The Designer Outlet Village next to The Lowry, Salford Quays;
  • The Trafford Centre, Britain's second largest indoor shopping centre, with more than 280 stores to choose from. 英国第二大室内购物中心

曼城美食总动员--Manchester Restaurants


预科推荐学校 - 兰卡斯特Lancaster Un 预科推荐学校 - 伦敦大学学院UCL
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