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出处: katrina , 已有 人浏览过此网页, 发布时间: 2010-12-17

美国留学法律类PS(Personal Statement,个人陈述)精彩模板/范

I was born into a traditional Middle Eastern family where the man is the head of the household and all major decisions first go through him. As a young woman learning to adapt to American cultural norms, it was difficult for me to balance the input I was getting at home with the messages I received daily from the world around me. Even my college major, architecture, was chosen by my father so that I could follow in his footsteps. I was plugging along in school, with no particular passion for my subject and an increasing dissatisfaction with my lack of choice in the matter, when I met another man who would change my life. He was a business student and so passionate about what he was learning it made me long to find my own niche, and soon I was catching some of his business fever. We ended up dating and subsequently marrying, and now, 16 years later, I am still amazed at my husband’s zeal for his work as an entrepreneur, the respect he earns from other business people, and the enthusiasm with which he greats each new day of work. From his example I found the strength to follow my own natural interests and began working with clients to help them form their own small businesses. Soon I had my own small consulting business and am now a trusted and valued advisor, but still something is lacking.

While I am proud of my accomplishments, especially as they were earned while simultaneously raising our 3 children pretty much single-handedly since my husband had to devote much of his time to his work, I still feel like a piece of the puzzle is missing. I long to do more with my work—there are many aspects of small business building I simply cannot help my clients with because I currently lack the legal expertise, and that frustrates me. I am convinced however that I can fix this situation. I now hope to become a lawyer; one specializing in small business matters.

My children are now in middle and high school, and it is the perfect time for me to devote myself fully to my own educational goal of earning a law degree from ____ University. I am convinced that my work experience has established a strong basis on which to build the law school foundation that my career will rest upon. Not only do I have extensive experience in deciphering complex legal documents related to my consulting work, but also as a small business owner myself. My problem solving skills, creative thinking, and leadership skills have all been tested and honed and I look forward to putting them to good use in law school and beyond. I have now found the missing piece of my puzzle and the resulting picture is clear. I am eager to being this next phase of my career.

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enquiry@peinternational.co.uk (英国)

美国留学法律类PS(个人陈述)写作模板3 美国留学法律类PS(个人陈述)写作模板1
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