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出处: katrina , 已有 人浏览过此网页, 发布时间: 2010-12-16

美国留学商科/MBA个人陈述(Personal Statement,PS)精彩模板/范例

I consider myself extremely fortunate to be here in the United States earning my education because I know how easy it would have been for this never to take place. Moving here all by myself from Shanghai to attend college was the most difficult thing I have ever done. I had never been away from my family before, I hadn’t even traveled outside of China prior to this trip, and I knew I was in for a big change. At home I was known as a very social young woman; I was regularly elected to be the president of clubs, and I was an active sports participant, but once I got to the US, I was so nervous about using my English, and so afraid that I would do or say something out of place in this unknown culture, that I became rather reclusive. I knew what I was doing was foolish: I was here to make new friends and learn about American culture as well as to study, so I forced myself to start socializing more. Fortunately my roommate was very helpful in making me feel more comfortable speaking English, and with her guidance and encouragement I started to branch out. I am still working on improving my English, but I now see it as a “work in progress” rather than something to be embarrassed about if I make a mistake. Now, when I hear words I don’t know, I write them down to look up later and make myself use them in sentences when I get home so that everyday I feel myself becoming more confident. I have even found part-time work as a Sunday school teacher. In addition to the fulfillment I get from helping children learn, I find that it is very easy for me to work on my own language skills with them since I am very comfortable in their presence and they like to feel that they are teaching me something too.

It has been a remarkable experience thus far and I can say that I have made some good new friends, and hope to make more before my studies are through, but perhaps the best part has been my new confidence in my abilities to succeed in this culture as well as my own. My grades have been excellent, and are evidence of my commitment to academics. I am now seeking a Master’s degree in business because of my strong desire to go back to Shanghai armed with the necessary knowledge to grow my family’s business. When I was growing up my parents were very poor and both worked in low paying positions, but they had a strong work ethic and an enterprising spirit which led them to start their own business. Through the years it has become profitable and I now hope that upon my return I will be able to move the company to the next level. China’s future is bright and I hope to add to that luster with my hard won education. I know I won’t be ready for that challenge without this next crucial achievement and if I am admitted to the program at ____ University I will work diligently to prove my abilities. I will also be able to offer a unique perspective to the class with my knowledge of Asian business practices.

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美国本科申请推荐信精彩模板 美国留学商科/MBA个人陈述(PS)写作模板2
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