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出处: Nancy , 已有 人浏览过此网页, 发布时间: 2012-3-7

  My passion for engineering began as far back as primary school, when I realised that I had a knack for understanding and assembling mechanical and electrical devices. While others were playing football, I was playing inside the “workshop,” pretending I was a great inventor on the verge of the next big thing.

  I was forever asking critical questions about technology – wondering how aircrafts are able to fly or how a two-ton ship can stay afloat, while a small rock sinks to the bottom of the sea. I loved to investigate and experiment and, at the age of 2, I put my talents to the test in a regional science and technology competition.

  I made my mark, ranking among the top 5 competitors and winning a £250 prize. I had researched the mechanical components and electrical design of several popular brands of remote control toys, and then developed a simple plan for a miniature motorized car. I then constructed the car by using tools from my father’s garage and parts I had gathered from a disassembled blender, an old computer, and a broken alarm clock.

  Performing well in the competition was an honour, but the best part was that I had enjoyed every step of the process.The research had fuelled my curiosity, and the construction had challenged my mechanical skills. I was most captivated by the initial conception of the product. This involved an elaborate set of drawings, which I revised and fine-tuned to perfection. I was very proud of my creative ability and the essential part it had played in the project’s success. This was the beginning of my desire to pursue a career in product design engineering.

  In the years that followed, I continued designing and building small toys, each of which involved more complex electrical schemes and more elaborate designs. I began using a simple computer-aided design (CAD) programme, and very much enjoyed this process as well. I learned quickly how to work better and eventually used the designs and prototypes as the basis for a small-group commerce project for a business class.

  Through these and other experiences, I have developed my knowledge of design methodologies, become a group leader and team player, and learned the basics of manufacturing and selling. I have also become aware of the infinite career opportunities afforded by a design engineering education.

  However, personal success is not my sole motivation. I have also begun to realise that nearly every aspect of society is touched by engineering design. A new kind of car could help preserve the environment; more efficient farming equipment would offer answers to world hunger; and modern medicine could be improved immeasurably by modernising basic medical devices.

  In addition to science and maths, I am also a lover of the arts. I am an accomplished sculptor and sketch artist, and have also begun experimenting with mixed media. I believe my artistic endeavours inform my engineering interests. Through art, I have learned about the creative process, and have increased my understanding of technical principles, such as the dynamics of spatial relationships.

  The future belongs to those who envision it, communicate it, and then make it happen. I am eager to be amongst them.

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