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2012 US NEWS美国商学院排名(37)

出处: Emily , 已有 人浏览过此网页, 发布时间: 2011-7-12

Integrity is the theme of the University of Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business. The school asks each student to emphasize integrity in each and every business decision made. Students that enroll in the full-time M.B.A. program enter a program that is flexible, rigorous, and focused on values-based learning. Many of the students in the program are “career changers,” and only approximately one third of the students enter the school with an undergraduate business degree. Students with business degrees can take advantage of the school’s one-year accelerated M.B.A. program that begins with a 10-week summer session and commences with Year Two M.B.A. courses beginning in the fall.

The Mendoza College of Business also offers an executive M.B.A. and other executive education programs, as well as a Master of Science in Accountancy and a Master of Nonprofit Administration. Joint degrees are offered in conjunction with the University of Notre Dame Law School, the College of Science, and the College of Engineering.

The business school offers more than 30 clubs and committees for students to get involved with, and more than 50 percent of Notre Dame M.B.A. students take active roles in these organizations. Situated in northern Indiana, the Notre Dame campus is roughly 90 minutes from Chicago.

Notable alumni of the Mendoza College of Business include Ted Phillips, president and CEO of the NFL’s Chicago Bears; Michael Kohlsdorf, president of technology solutions provider ADERANT Holdings, Inc.; and Paul Reilly, director and CEO of Raymond James Financial, Inc.

2012 US NEWS美国商学院排名(38) 2012 US NEWS美国商学院排名(37)
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