What to wear on a college interview?
Dress for success. Of course you want to be bundled up, but once youarrive you want to be in business attire. This means conservativecolored blazer style jacket, with slacks or skirt. Boots with heels ordress shoes, but no sneakers, sweats, sweatshirts, flannel... etc.
Hair, makeup, nails should be on the conservative side too. And if youhave multiple piercings, take them all out, but one. If you have a noseor eyebrow ring get rid of it for the day.
Hair should be out of your face, and resist the impulse to play with itduring the interview. Clip bangs securely out of your face. Don't dyeit bright green the night before the interview.
Jewelry should be quiet - no jangly earrings, bracletts, etc. Less is more. And if you have a tatoo - put a band aid over it.
You can ace the interview by knowing why you want to attend thiscollege. Why is this school a good fit for you? Answer with personalspecifics not just, "It's the best school for my major." Collegeadmissions people want students who will contribute to the vitality oftheir campus, so what do you plan to do once you get there? Why is thisschool a good place to do that? Show them you've done your homework,and that you plan to be an active, contributing student and that theiruniversity will be a better place because you're enrolled.
Bring along photos or a small portfolio showcasing examples of yourpassions. Eventually they're going to ask if there's anything you wantthem to know about you. This is your "prop" to prompt you if you getnervous. Don't make everything about you academic. If you're a quilter,bring a photo of your quilt. If you're a dog fancier, bring a pictureof your dog.
Two things you want to know before you go... What are your personalstrengths? AND What are your personal weaknesses. Some form of thesequesitons will come up and you don't want to say that you have none.
Be prepared for the "future" question. "Where do you see yourself in 10years?" And be prepared for the silly question, "If you were a candybar, what kind would you be?"
Spit out the gum before you get there. Arrive 20 minutes early and findthe restroom before you go in for the interview. Don't bring a cup ofStarbucks in to the interview with you.
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