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所属栏目:英国留学, 新闻动态 发表时间:2012-11-16 来源:本站原创


  想知道英国学生满意度较高的大学专业是哪些吗?The Telegraph每日电讯报评出英国学生满意度较高的专业top10,下面我们就一起来了解下吧!

  10、University of Glasgow – European Modern languages


  原文:The University of Glasgow`s modern language students are a contented bunch – according to data from the Telegraph`s new University Course Finder, 95.4 per cent of them agree with the statement "Overall, I am satisfied with the quality of the course".

  9、University of Liverpool – Pharmacy & pharmacology


  原文:"Medicine heals doubt as well as diseases", Karl Marx famously once said. Liverpool`s pharmacy students certainly don`t seem to have many doubts about their course, with 95.4 per cent responding positively to the same survey question.

  8、University of Glasgow – Clinical dentistry


  原文:It`s broad, toothy grins all round on Glasgow`s clinical dentistry course, as a second degree from this institution makes it onto the list.

  7、University of Liverpool – Nursing & paramedical studies


  原文:Another course from Liverpool features, and it`s the trainee nurses and paramedics who are bringing a positive outlook to the world of university education with 95.8 per cent responding positively.

  6、Aberystwyth University – Sports science & leisure studies


  原文:Sport has its ups and downs, even if this summer has mainly consisted of the former for Team GB. The same seems to be true of Aberystwyth`s sports science experience, with 96 per cent satisfied with the quality of their degree.

  5、University College London (UCL) – Forensic science

  原文:Forensic science really must be as exciting as in the movies for UCL`s students, 96 per cent of whom are satisfied with their degree experiences.


  4、The University of Huddersfield – Anatomy & physiology


  原文:They say a healthy body breeds a healthy mind. Studying one seems to have much the same effect, with 96.2 per cent of Huddersfield`s anatomy students reporting themselves as satisfied with their university experience.

  3、University of Kent – Electrical, electronic & computer engineering


  原文:Kent`s electrical engineers of the future are off to a happy start, with 96.4 per cent of this male-dominated course (12.19 males to every female student) declaring themselves satisfied.

  2、Loughborough University – Anatomy & physiology


  原文:Loughborough`s anatomy and physiology students take the runner up spot according to the Telegraph`s University Course Finder data, with an impressive 96.4 per cent of students satisfied with their university experience.

  1、University of Glasgow – Nursing & paramedical studies



  原文:Officially Britain`s happiest students, the University of Glasgow`s nursing and paramedical studies students are overwhelmingly satisfied with their course – 96.8 per cent answered affirmatively to the National Student Survey`s question.

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