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出处: katrina , 已有 人浏览过此网页, 发布时间: 2010-12-16

美国留学商科/MBA个人陈述(Personal Statement,PS)精彩模板/范例

I have been hoping and planning to earn an MBA for the past six years since graduating from college and am excited to now be on the cusp of making that dream a reality. I’ve come a long way from the painfully shy college freshman who initially could hardly even stomach the thought of being a resident advisor because it would involve so much interaction with students I didn’t yet know. I conquered those first fears and went on to become the Resident Hall Council President and Freshman Orientation Leader. My path hasn’t always been easy, but through the challenges and goals I have set for myself I have grown into a confident, thoughtful, and respected leader at my workplace and in my personal life, and I know that these new skills will serve me well as I embark on this next scholastic challenge and the career I see before me post MBA.

I’ve chosen this specific MBA program because of its international focus, group work, and emphasis on learning foreign languages. I see this as perfectly instep with my goal of pursuing a career in management consulting. Over the past few years I have overcome my shyness in the workplace and it is now commonplace for me to lead meetings and advise the CFO of the company I work for on the financial matters that are my sole responsibility and core strength. Continued group work with my fellow students from various backgrounds will serve to cement my new-found confidence in my own abilities and ideas. My interest in international business first sparked during my junior year abroad studying in Germany. This opportunity enabled me to learn written German fluently and, while I am proficient in the spoken language, I am eager to improve my accent, word choice, and confidence level to equal and surpass skills appropriate for daily business usage. Through this experience I was also fully immersed in the German culture and found this to be a very rewarding and educational experience and hope to have the opportunity to travel abroad again either while earning my MBA, or afterwards as a consultant. In this ever broadening global market place, I am aware of what an asset being multi-lingual is, and to that end I plan also to study Arabic, which will improve my marketability.

If admitted to the program, I will bring with me my enthusiasm, dedication, and a stalwart work ethic. I am proud of what I have accomplished thus far in my life and see much of it as a stepping stone toward a successful future in the business world. I now need to expand my skill set beyond its current level and I see the curriculum offered at __________ University as the perfect way to do so.

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美国留学商科/MBA个人陈述(PS)写作模板2 美国留学法律类PS(个人陈述)写作模板3
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