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出处: katrina , 已有 人浏览过此网页, 发布时间: 2010-12-16

美国留学商科/MBA个人陈述(Personal Statement,PS)精彩模板/范例

In my experience one of the best places to learn true leadership skills is on the playing field. There are few situations in this world as intense, fraught with danger, and adrenalin inducing as participating in full-contact competitive sports. I have played soccer in a league for over years, and while this pastime is certainly not the focus of my life, the camaraderie and interpersonal skills I have learned from it will last me a lifetime. I am now positioning myself to apply to the MBA program at ____ university with an eye towards a career as a consultant and possibly, far down the road, a politician, and I feel confident that the skill set I have earned thus far through my academic, social, and career activities will serve me well as I learn the essentials of business.

I was an economics major in college and learned a lot of essential business skills, and while my grades at this time in my life were not reflective of my abilities, my interest in the subject was genuine. At that time in my life I had not yet fully identified my career goals and was working to support myself, which put a considerable strain on my study time. After graduation however I entered the work force full-time as an Accountant Analyst at a large bank and realized the necessity of a solid educational background, both in practice and on paper. I made the decision to complete a professional designation in accounting and have succeeded in completing that goal with flying colors. It was an intensive 2 year process, and one that taught me no matter how much you put on your plate, if you are committed to achieving excellence in all of your duties, it is possible—you just need to make the time. The program required the completion of many intensive group projects and my team and I were able to complete cases, write up management reports, and present them to a simulated board of directors—all of which has helped to build my confidence in my abilities and teach me that the benefits of team work in the business world are just as essential as team work on the soccer field.

I am eager now to bring my leadership abilities, involved personality, and strong commitment to academic success to business school. I know that there is nothing I can not accomplish as long as I set my mind to it, and this next step is essential for me to realize my dreams for the future.

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